Friday, 23 March 2012

Day 2, Post 2

There is no way I'll be posting every day, or every week for that matter, but due to popular demand (you know who you are!) here is the first of the updates. Don't go looking for this in The Story pages (see right) as it will be a while before I incorporate my updates into the main story. Some of you may have seen this photo already as it was emailed around by Ruth with other updates in June 2010.


A fine photo of James & Margaret's second son, Albert, has been found at State Records. It is a photo he submitted with his application for registration as a medical practitioner, sometime in the 1890s.

Albert Corbin

Earlier, Albert was a student at Sydney Boys High School which was then in Castlereagh St in the city.  He attended between 1885 and 1888.  It was just at this time that his father James was building the Victoria Arcade, also in Castlereagh St.  One imagines them going to town together on weekday mornings from the house in Glebe Road.